The FHZ1000/FHZ1300 requires installation of drivers to work with OpenNetHome. The installation differs between Windows, Linux and Mac. Currently I have no installation procedure for Mac, if someone could help here it would be appreciated…
- Installation On Windows
- Installation on Linux
- Installation on Mac not yet supported…
Installing Windows Drivers
In order for NetHome to be able to communicate with the FHZ1000 transceiver, you must install drivers that make the FHZ1000 appear as a COM-port. The instructions below are for Windows 7, but should work for all versions of Windows.
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Installation steps
1. Download the drivers and unzip the file.
2. Run the setup.exe file.
3. Plug in the FHZ1000 in an USB port. Windows will find and install the Serial Converter
4. Open the device manager window. This can be done for example by typing “mmc devmgmt.msc” in the search field in the start menu:
5. In the bottom section you will now see the “ELV FHZ1000” PC Serial Converter. Right click on it and select properties:
6. In the “Advanced”-tab, check the “Load VCP” checkbox and press ok.
7. Unplug the FHZ1000 and plug it in again. Windows will now discover the serial port and install the driver. In the Ports-section there should now be a serial port called ELV FHZ1000PC. Take note which com port number it was assigned (COM8 for example) as this is the name you will use in NetHomeServer.
Installation On Linux
The needed serial drivers are available in Linux kernel, but since the FHZ1000 device has its own product id, we must configure Linux so it also accepts this id as a serial port. These instructions work for Debian based Linux like Ubuntu or Raspbian.
A configuration file that configures this is available in the NetHome-release under the drivers\linux\ftdi.
Installation steps
1. Copy the rules file and reload the rules:
sudo cp <NetHome>/drivers/linux/ftdi/98-nethome.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control –reload-rules
2. Plug in the FHZ1000. If you run dmesg, you should see that it has found the FHZ1000 and installed it as a serial port.